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Basket and Wild Flowers

Hope. Heal. 

We provide a haven of hope, healing, and restoration for female survivors of human sex trafficking and sexual exploitation by helping them break free from the bonds of modern day slavery and learn to live completely and confidently Beloved by Jesus.

I will call Not My People, My People, and she who was Unloved, Beloved. Romans 9:25b

Field of Flowers

A Distinct Identity

At Learning to Live Beloved Ministries, we believe that everyone deserves to live a life of dignity and respect. We are a nonprofit organization that works to provide hope, healing and restoration for survivors of domestic sex trafficking and exploitation through a short-term assessment house. As we work to renovate "The Well House", we will begin to compile a team of dedicated professionals and volunteers to work together to provide a comprehensive set of resources and services to survivors in need. From trauma informed advocacy and counseling, to life skills and spiritual support, our goal will be to give survivors the courage and strength to thrive far beyond their time with us. Although Learning to Live Beloved Ministries only houses adult biological females, we offer assistance to anyone looking to escape human sex trafficking or who is struggling with being sexually exploited by linking them to services that will meet their unique and individualized needs. 

What We Do

Nordic Living Room
Happy Friends

Healing and Restoration 

A glimmer of hope in the darkness 

Knowledge is Power 

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