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About Learning to Live Beloved Ministries

Beauty Restored

Think for a moment of the butterfly. It's beauty unmatched. It's elegance astounding. Its image transcends peace. And then, out of no where, a bus smashes into its delicate features. It no longer resembles much but a crumpled up bug on the side of the street, waiting to be swept away by the next breeze. Hopeless.


At one time or another we each have had our moment of being sidelined by the proverbial buses of life and left for dead. This is the life of the women who we long to reach at Learning to Live Beloved Ministries. Our heart is to provide hope to each woman that they can receive not just healing, but be fully restored into the original creation God designed them to be, someone yet to be discovered. 

We pray our homes provide the refuge and freedom needed to light the way for every woman until they find their way home into the arms of Jesus as they learn to live fully beloved by Him. 

Emily - Founder and CEO of Learning to Live Beloved Ministries 


I, Emily, am a wife, mother, author, and lover of Jesus. For as long as I can remember my passion has been to minister to the hearts of hurting women. My deepest desire is to see women across social and cultural barriers break free from the shame that haunts us and instead adopt the name God has for us – Beloved. 


In 2022 God broke my heart for those trapped in modern day slavery in the sex industry. Since then it has become my mission to not only shine light onto the reality of sexual exploitation happening right in our backyard, but to also provide a home for the women who need an escape route out of the darkness they find themselves in and lead them into healing. 


Wherever God takes me, my goal is to equip women with the tools to fight the lies of the enemy so that they can live their most abundant life in Christ. My desire is to authentically and vulnerably provide a landing space for any woman broken and alone and give her the hope that we are never beyond the reach of our Savior who loves us relentlessly. 


I was once the one, and now, God has sent me to be the one for the one like me.

Our Board 

Emily Karc

Board Chair and Treasurer

Founder and CEO of Learning to Live Beloved Ministries 


Sgt. Robert Neiderhiser ll 

Local Police Department Accreditation Manager & Emergency Manager 

Tiffany Chapin

Board Secretary


Elementary Teacher

Bethany Leadbeter

BA English

CEO and Business Owner 

Elijah Middaugh 

Local Police Department Patrolman

Internet Crimes and Hostage/Crisis Negotiator

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